OVI Traffic
In Ohio, what is commonly known as a DUI (driving under the influence) is an OVI (operating a vehicle while intoxicated) if you have been charged with an OVI then it is important that you contact an attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights. Even if you believe that you are guilty you need to hire an attorney to assure that your rights are protected. Often arresting officers make serious violations when they are investigating which can result in a more favorable plea deal or a total drop of charges. By hiring an attorney from Albrechta & Liebold, Ltd. we can help negotiate driving privileges and help you get a favorable deal. Although OVI’s are a common offense, they carry serious penalties that effect your livelihood, an experienced OVI attorney can help protect you from lengthy sentences and expensive kinds of monitoring.
Fishing/ Wildlife Violations
While a citation from a wildlife officer for fishing in the wrong waters or being over the bag limit for Walleye, Perch or Small Mouth Bass may seem like minor offenses they can have serious consequences that effect where you are allowed to fish and how you spend your free time. Pleading guilty or no-contest may not only result in the loss of your license in Ohio, but because of interstate compacts and international treaties may result in you losing your fishing or hunting license in most states and other countries. If you have been cited by a wildlife officer for any violation and you value your right to hunt or fish then you should contact one of the lawyers at Albrechta & Liebold immediately.
If you have already plead guilty or no contest only to discover that you have lost your ability to fish or hunt in another state we may be able to help you to recover your rights to hunt or fish in another state.
Albrechta & Liebold offers assistance in co-counseling litigation cases. We have assisted smaller law firms by providing administrative, financial and legal research and litigation support in complex cases. If you are a client and you believe your attorney is understaffed to prosecute or defend your case Albrechta & Liebold can be contracted as co-counsel. If you are a lawyer and need litigation support Albrechta & Liebold has a history of providing that service throughout Ohio. We have frequently provided assistance to out-of-state attorneys that need local counsel in the state of Ohio.
Second Opinions
Trusting your attorney in the management of your legal matters or litigation is essential for a successful outcome. The lawyers of Albrechta & Liebold can provide to lawyers or clients second opinions on trusted legal matters. Ohio Code of Professional Responsibility requires that clients secure the authorization of the retained counsel prior to providing that service, or that service can be provided upon the termination of the lawyer-client relationship. Clients are entitled to trust the advise and counsel of their retained lawyers and at times obtaining a second opinion can provide the necessary assurances for appropriate outcomes.